Daddysaurus: I came, I saw, I came, I saw I take whats mine, and take some more, I praise the lord, then break the law, I take whats mine, I take some more, It rains, It pours, It rains, It pours.
[[Rain More->More Rain]]
[[Praise The Lord]]It rains more. It is not helpful
[[Go Home]]You go to the local church, and praise The Lord.
[[Break the Law]]
[[Stop your sinful ways]]You go to your mothers grave ot look at this side of the grave one last time, and see here smile somewhere in the back of your brain. You tell her you're coming, and keep your promise.
Ending 1You go home to be sheltered from the rain. This is the most boring ending you can do better.
Ending 3You follow the path that destiny has set for you. You become the new God of the universe and break the law everytime you praise yourself, as now you are the Lord.
Endind 4 (finale)
You stay at the church and promise the Lord that you will stop your sinful ways.
Ending 2You looked for this. This is what you get in return